All grain brewing is cheaper, there’s more control over the product, and there’s something satisfying about using 100% raw ingredients to make a beer. We’re all at different stages in our brewing journey and recipe formulation is an undeveloped skill for some, and sometimes even having this skill it’s fun to follow other people’s recipes or have a bag of ingredients ready to go.
How do you know what recipe packs are right for you? We’ve looked at our ever growing selection of all grain packs and detailed our favourite six we think you’ll enjoy just as much. This is a great starting point, and we have more all grain recipes ready to go once you’ve tried these.
6. Fast Kveik Sour
This might seem a bit left field for some. Sours have been regarded as this mysterious type of beer only advanced or professional breweries can touch. Not any more. Thanks to Ebbergarden, a type of kveik, tropical sour beers can be made really easily in a short amount of time.
Most of the flavour comes from the yeast which imparts tropical fruit flavours like mango and pineapple. It also contains multiple lactobacillus strains which gives the beer a complex sourness. Lactobacillus can be easily cleaned from a brew system using Chemsan, so there’s little risk of cross contamination.
As this pack has no hops, it’s also quite a bit cheaper than the others on this list. It does require the ability to ferment at 35°C for a few days though. There are ways around this, like pitching the yeast when the wort is at 35°C and wrapping the fermenter in sleeping bags.
5. Punk IPA Clone
As Brewdog grew, their recipes changed along with their punk attitude and business ethics. Some would go as far as not to buy from Brewdog anymore, but with this recipe pack you can make your own version of their flagship Punk IPA, following the recipe formulated by brewers, not accountants.
Chock full of New World and American hops, this kit packs a powerful citrus, resinous and complex flavour and aroma. At 5.6%, it’s not bad for sessioning on and the simple malt bill really lets the hops sing.
4. Summer Ale
Perhaps you want something a bit different from an IPA, but still want to maintain those fruity flavours? The summer ale is a great way to try a lesser known style – white IPA – and maybe play around with some new ingredients, or use them in a new way.
This kit utilises Calypso as a single hop, a somewhat underrated complex American hop with citrus, peaches and mint flavours, and ferments with WB-06, an expressive yeast with earthy, spice and nutmeg flavours. The wheat content of the beer adds a satisfying haze and fuller mouthfeel.
We loved this one enough to make a blog post and video about it.
3. Pseudo Lager
There’s a point in everyone’s craft beer journey where they return to the crispy, malty flavours of lager. Only this time, instead of going for mass produced options the craving is for an authentic Czech pilsner or Munich helles. Whilst it’s possible to achieve this at home, it takes time and a level of expertise.
I think all homebrewers should attempt traditional lager brewing at some point as a great way to hone skills. Sometimes though, we get a hankering for a malty boy and want it soon, and that’s ok! This is where the pseudo lager comes in.
A Pseudo lager has the characteristics we know and love about lager, but is much quicker and easier to make. Another kveik on this list, Skare is a variety which has a crisp and clean taste when fermented cooler, and with Weyermann Bohemian pilsner and munich malts it has that bready, malty flavour.
2. 100% Satisfaction
The kit that’s been on the site the longest also seems to be most satisfactory. It’s an easy drinking simple to brew SMaSH yet with a complex flavour and robust bitterness. This kit is great for those brewers who want to showcase the sweet biscuity flavours of pale malt, and the delicate earthy and spicy flavours of Goldings.
This is an excellent kit for those who want to get into all grain brewing and want to start on a simple English pale ale. Even those who are more versed in the art of all grain brewing enjoy the simplicity and drinkability of this kit. Mix it up by swapping out the US-05 for some kveik!
1. Neck Oil Clone
Beavertown brewery has gone from strength to strength, and what started as a small craft brewery in North London is now a nationally recognised brand. It even has a brewhouse in Tottenham’s football grounds! They were recently bought out by Heineken which might be controversial to some, but it means their classic flagship beer is available in even more pubs and bars across the UK and beyond.
But you don’t even have to go to a pub or supermarket to get Beavertown’s pale ale. Our Neck Oil clone has been our most popular selling kit allowing many brewers to make this favourite at home. Close to the original, it makes 23 litres of fruity, citrus and bitter beer. The only difference being this is probably the freshest you’ll drink it.
This kit is recommended to those who want to make a more involved pale ale with more ingredients, and want to focus on the brewing process over recipe formulation. Clones are great for trying to hone technical brewing skills as, for it to be a true clone, the brewer needs to focus on mash temperature, fermentation and hitting the right numbers.
We’d love to know what kits you’ve enjoyed, or if there’s a kit we can put together for you! To get the most out of all grain brewing, check out these tips and tricks we’ve put together.