Still Spirits Filter Pro
Last updated on: 28 March 2024
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The Filter Pro, a recent innovation from Still Spirits, is a vertical, gravity-fed filtration system designed to process up to 8 liters of spirit at a time. This user-friendly device features tri-clamps, adjustable flow control, and a detachable door and wall mount for effortless operation and installation.
Why Should You Filter Your Spirits?
After distilling your spirit, you may find yourself disappointed by off flavours or discolouration in your final distillate. This can be a result of impurities or contaminants that were not completely removed during the distillation process. To resolve this issue and elevate your home distilling game, you can run your spirits through the filter pro.
How Do I Use the Filter?
The Filter Pro is designed for ease of use and convenience, making it simple to enhance the quality of your distilled spirits. In order to use it, you can start by either assembling the wall mount or attaching the door mount to the back of a door in your home. You should clean and sanitise the filter and any other equipment you may need, this is still important even though the alcohol will kill the bacteria as this can still introduce impurities.
Next, you can add the spirit and let gravity do the work, all impurities and unwanted flavours will be absorbed by the activated carbon. You can adjust the flow rate to maximise efficient filtration.
As the filtered spirit exits the bottom of the Filter Pro, collect it in a clean and sanitized container. This refined spirit will now have improved clarity, taste, and aroma, thanks to the activated carbon filtration.