Chemical Products
Beer Chemicals (6)
Cleaning (12)
Finings (4)
Tartaric Acid and Citric Acid (4)
Water Chemistry (8)
Wine Additives & Chemicals (20)
KegThat offers not only beer and wine cleaning kits but also all the chemicals you need for home brewing.
An essential part of successful homebrewing is maintaining and cleaning your brewing equipment. It doesn’t take long, but if you don’t want countless batches of infeced beers, then you must sanitise your equipment before every use with the appropriate brewing sanitiser.
Using a proper sanitiser is critical, without sanitation bacteria will be in contact with the beer and will infect your batch. The last thing you want is for all your hard work to go to waste! Our cleaning equipment is safe for use and guarantees you’ll brew quality beers, wines, and ciders all the time: no spoiling, zero waste, but maximum taste.
ChemSan Self-Foaming No-Rinse Cleaner
ChemSan is one of the most highly rated home brewing sanitisers around. The acid-based formula is simple to use, and you don’t need to rinse your equipment after applying the solution.
We chose to add ChemSan to our cleaning and sanitising product selection because it’s a no-hassle solution, and it won’t damage your brewing equipment. ChemSan is one of the most widely used Brewing Sanitiser
You’ll only need a small amount of the solution for each clean, so this expert formula will last a long time and deliver fantastic results. Recommended dilution can be found on the bottle. The product is available in 100ml,250ml,500ml,1l or 2l
ChemClean Powder
CleanClean is an effective alkaline-based cleaner, which is suitable for use on glass, metals, plastics, and stainless steel.
If you want an intensive clean, then we recommend you use ChemClean and follow up with ChemSan afterwards.
It’s important to note you must rinse your equipment thoroughly after using ChemClean Power.
Not only do we sell leading cleaning products from Chemisphere, we also stock all the the best home brew chemicals needed for brewing beer. Our range includes, Pectolose, Citric Acid, Yeast Nutrient, Sodium Metabisulphite and more
Our Wirral based customer service team are always available to answer questions and make recommendations.